10 October 2017

Release Notes v3.2.11

See the full list of issues resolved in this release.

Here are the release highlights:

  • RYA-109 - Spark support

  • RYA-121 - Store contextual metadata for individual triples

  • RYA-231 - Revived Giraph Support

  • RYA-232 - Created a Mongo profile for deploying the rest service

  • RYA-241 - Geowave support

  • RYA-290 - Expand query inference to support additional RDFS/OWL terms: owl:hasValue, owl:intersectionOf, owl:unionOf, owl:someValuesFrom, owl:allValuesFrom, owl:hasSelf, owl:equivalentClass, rdfs:domain, rdfs:range, owl:oneOf, owl:ReflexiveProperty

  • RYA-337 - Enabled query batching for MongoDB DAO. Previously, the MongoDB DAO sent one Statement Pattern query at a time to Mongo. Now, the DAO batches Statement Pattern queries and performs a client side join (like the Accumulo DAO).

  • RYA-323 - Enabled Multi Var Geo Functions. Previously, all Rya GeoSPARQL functions required that at least one parameter was a constant (eg “geof:sfWithin(?wkt, “POLYGON(( … )))” ). now, we can solve filters that have no constants (eg “geof:near(?wkt2, ?wkt1))”)

  • RYA-185 - Add load statements from local file command to Rya shell

  • RYA-219 - Add support for exporting to Kafka for the rya trigger service

  • RYA-246 - Separate Fluo query result exporters, Rya PCJ intermingled kafka triggers

  • RYA-257 - Add Geospacial and Temporal combined indexing support for Mongo backed Rya

  • RYA-83 - The match everything query is now supported: select * where { s? p? o? }

  • RYA-339 - Fluo PCJ Improvements